You can start to use the basic features of Rosetta Salt without purchasing a license.
However, the first thing you'll need to do is to "Sign Up" through the AWS Amplify authentication component (within the application but with the AWS orange/yellow colors) that will authenticate you and your device with the AWS Cognito service (at least once every 30 days). Once you've done that, you'll receive a Cognito token on your device that the AWS Amplify authentication component will use each time you start the application. Normally, you will not need to authenticate with your email address and your password; instead, this AWS Amplify authentication component will check to make sure that your Cognito token is still valid and refresh it for you.
Then, once you've signed up and received a Cognito token, you'll need to request a Rosetta token. The Rosetta Salt server will create a pending Rosetta token for you and then email you a claim code that you can then use to claim it. Unlike the Cognito token, this Rosetta token is only good for 12 hours; our intent is to make sure that you can use the application for the rest of the day but then need to get a new Rosetta token the next day (to make sure that you still have access to your email account). Once you've claimed the Rosetta token, then you'll be able to start using the application to hold password related information for your cloud accounts.
Remember that the passwords for your cloud accounts will never be stored anywhere, never be transferred over the internet, and that they will only exist temporarily in memory in your browser or on your mobile device and on the clipboard when you copy them to it.
This YouTube video below shows you how to get started.